Monday, November 06, 2006


"Nothing like this will ever happen again in baseball." Mike Lupica, 8/13/06

"The most valuable Yankee of all time." Mike Lupica, Sunday, 8/13/06

  • "You watched Mo Rivera cough one up the other night as he does maybe once a month, and were reminded again that he might not just be the most valuable Yankee of the Joe Torre era,

    He does not make the most money on the Yankees, or even close.

    He is not the most famous of them.

    Just the best of them, after all these years.

    He is the one player on his team better at what he does than any others are at what they do.

    Think about that.

    He has had his failures, you bet.

    Some of them turned out to be monumental, like Game 7 of the 2001 World Series and Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS against the Red Sox.

    But more than the manager, more than Jeter, he has done the most to make this time in Yankee history special.

    Sometimes it takes a ninth inning belonging to the other guys to make you appreciate him all over again.

    Mo Rivera can't go on forever.

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