Monday, August 20, 2012


Rivera speaks at Smithtown Acura with mentoring group


8/14/12, "New York Yankees Legend Mariano Rivera Visits Smithtown Acura," Smithtown Acura blog, WALK News

"Rivera and members of the Long Island Mentoring Partnership were greeted by an estimated 200 Islanders, from 9-months to nearly 90, who crowded into Smithtown Acura in Saint James to meet their hero Saturday morning....The Mentoring Partnership of Long Island serves approximately 10,000 young people, ages five through 18, according to Moldonado, and has ties to 200 organizations in Suffolk and Nassau, -not just to superstar athletes, but with teachers, civic leaders and business people, including Smithtown Acura President Robert Certilman....

Rivera, 42, is facing another setback: a devastating, season-ending knee injury in May. He injured the knee while “playing” baseball during a pre-game warm-up, running in the outfield catching fly-balls with his friends, his teammates.

“Instead of asking, ‘why me,’ I said, ‘OK Lord, what must I do now?’” He’s rehabilitating the injury, and the great “closer” closed the discussion by saying, “God willing, I’ll be back for another year.” And running, and playing, and catching fly-balls. For the joy of it." photo from WALK Radio News

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