Sunday, October 16, 2016


Hartford Insurance visits Mariano Rivera's home village in Panama to shoot commercial


From You Tube page, 9/23/16: "Prepare with Mariano Rivera": "Mariano Rivera, legendary New York Yankees closer, tells us how his childhood in Puerto Caimito, Panama prepared him to become one of MLB's greatest players. Part 1 of a 3 part series for The Hartford. Production: Halski Studio"

Here is :30 Rivera "Steady" spot for Hartford:

Posted on You Tube Oct. 10, 2016 

10/15/16, "STL company puts Yankee legend back in MLB playoffs," St. Louis Post Dispatch, Joe Holleman

""The Sandman" is back in the MLB playoffs, and he now delivers his pitch with St. Louis style.
As implausible as it seems, New York Yankee legend Mariano Rivera's latest commercials for The Hartford Insurance Co. were produced and directed by St. Louisans. 

Meg Schicker-Halski, who directed the ads for Halski Studio in Ladue— three one-minute vignettes for online viewing and a 30-second television spot — said shooting took place in July.

Here is the 30-second TV spot already airing in the playoffs [not linked]; the longer pieces are available below:

"We shot the first week in Panama, in Puerto Caimito, which is the tiny fishing village where Mariano grew up," Schicker-Halski said.

"Mariano was a dream to work with, a class act and very confident and friendly," Schicker-Halski said, adding that Mark Halski, her husband and business partner, was the cinematographer and editor on the project. (She, Notre Dame High; he, McCluer North.)

Fellow McCluer North alum Tuan Lee produced the ads and STLer Tim Gebauer composed the score.

Schicker-Halski said several New York production companies also worked on the project. "And they were like, 'how'd you get this job? Why you shooting our guy?'"

Just so happens that local buzzmakers Rodgers Townsend is Hartford's advertising agency, and two of their people, Jake Edinger and Jon Hansen, hired the Halskis.

Schicker-Halski said she told Rivera she was a "die-hard Cardinals fan," and that he appreciated that fact.

"I think he realized we had our heart in project," she said, "that we had a passion for it.""


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